Thursday, October 23, 2008

Possible autism cure – the biomedical approach

The search for an autism cure is a classic case of making the right assumptions and asking the right questions in order to arrive at possible answers.

In the past, autism was assumed to be a psychological disorder. Up till the1960s, the most popular theory about the cause of autism was the "refrigerator mother" theory -- that autism was caused by cold and uncaring mothers.

Based on this theory, treatments for autism included having autistic children kick and spit at dummies representing their mothers. Such autism treatment did not work because they were based on the wrong assumptions.

But while the refrigerator mother theory has largely since been abandoned, the view most commonly held by doctors and therapists remains that autism is a mental or psychological disorder.

And because doctors do not know a great deal about how to cure psyhological disorders, the majority still hold the view that an autism cure is not possible. To them, autism simply cannot be treated. There is no hope!

Biomedical approach to autism
A small but growing group of doctors and healthcare professionals, however, have adopted a totally different approach to autism. This is the biomedical approach – which views autism to be at least partly due to physical or biological causes – such as heavy metal poisoning, yeast infection, food sensitivity, nutritionall deficiency, etc.

The biomedical approach to autism is championed by the Autism Research Institute, founded by the late Dr Bernard Rimland.

This approach has brought new hope to autistic individuals and their families. Dr Bernard Rimland has shattered the myth that autism is due to “refrigerator mothers”.
More importantly, he and the Autism Research Institute has demonstrated that an autism cure is, indeed, possible.

A number of people with autism have recovered fully while many others have made significant progress. The Autism Research Institute (ARI) has video clips of recovered autism cases on the
ARI website.

At the same time, however, there are also individuals with autism who do not seem to respond well to the biomedical approach to autism.

Thus, there is no absolute guarantee that the biomedical approach will lead to an autism cure. But at least the possibility is there. At least there is hope.

The latest scientific evidence indicates that autistic children often have physical or biological differences compared to normal children. By working to elimiate some of these differences, there is some chance of an autism cure or, at least, of a significant reduction in the symptoms of autism.

Some of the major differences include:

Toxic heavy metals
Analyses of the hair, urine and excrement of autistic children often reveal significantly higher levels of toxic heavy metals like lead, arsenic and particularly mercury.
Mercury exposure could arise from vaccinations (that use mercury as a preservative), dental fillings and excessive consumption of fish and seafood from polluted waters containing mercury.

Yeast infection / Candida Albicans
Children with autism are often also found with yeast infection / bacterial over growth in the guts. Such yeast infection may also block the elimination of mercury and other toxic heavy metals from the body.

Thus, one important element of an autism cure is the control of yeast infection, using probiotics, dietary modification and other means.

Digestive disorders
Related to yeast infection. autistic children tend to have more problems with digestion, including food sensitivity – particularly to wheat and dairy products. As a result of these digestion problems, autistic children tend to have more allergies as well as sleep problems.

Another important aspect of autism cure is to improve the digestive system and, in the meantime, avoid those foods that commonly cause allergies and food sensitivities.

Two of the most common food allergens are gluten (from wheat, barley, rye and other similar grains - those grains with a line running across) and casein (from dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, etc). The gluten-free / casein-free or GFCF Diet is this another important component of an autism cure.

Nutritional deficiency
Addressing nutritional deficiency is yet another important element -- as autistic children tend to be deficient in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and other B vitamins, as well as sulphur, zinc, magnesium, iodine, lithium. potassium and other minerals.

Chemical toxins
Finally, those seeking an autism cure should be mindful to avoid chemical toxins such as pesticides and food chemicals, including food coloring, perservatives, artificial flavors, monosodium glutamate / MSG, artificial sweeteners and so on.

This is because food chemicals, environmental toxins and other unknown environmental factors are also believed to contribute to autism and other behavioural problems.

Defeat Autism Now!
The Autism Research Institute has developed an autism treatment protocol, based on the biomedical approach to autism, called Defeat Autism Now! or DAN!

Elements of this approach towards an autism cure include:

  • Detoxification of heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and mercury using chelation techniques
  • Treatment of intestinal yeast infection / bacterial overgrowth using probiotics and other methods
  • Nutritional supplements, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids
  • GFCF diet totally free of gluten and free of casein
  • Testing for hidden food allergies and avoidance of allergenic foods.


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